Focus on your work while we clean for you.

Limited Time Offer: become a member and get your home cleaned for $26


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4,500+ Customers Trust Discount House Cleaning

For just $39.95 per month, thousands of happy customers have sparkling homes thanks to weekly cleans at unbeatable prices with Discount House Cleaning.

I am Julia Williams

Ornare vitae pretium quam ultrices duis ut vitae lectus vitae aliquet vestibulum fermentum consequat velit porttitor nulla scelerisque augue et tortor aenean tellus, urna, aenean amet in tellus id urna rutrum

Mattis mi mauris, interdum non lectus etiam non sit ac dolor risus tortor semper enim hac

I was a broke, lonely college student with big dreams and no idea where to start or how to make them a reality.

Julia Williams







Fast forward to now...

Quality + Convenience

Revitalize your home with Discount House Cleaning. Enjoy up to 6 hours of premium cleaning services using our exclusive discount vouchers, conveniently book and pay online. It's that easy!

Odio enim tortor pulvinar sit est ut aliquam imperdiet senectus dui neque dis amet, nulla egestas morbi auctor a etiam platea gravida et commodo tortor, eget lacinia sed eget vel nunc, sed eu feugiat laoreet at velit, sagittis odio aliquam


Use the chart below to estimate how much time to book for your space.

2 HR
3 HR
4 HR
6 HR

If you need extra hours, cleaners from Discount House Cleaning are happy to accommodate you. With your discount voucher, additional time will be invoiced at a discounted rate starting at $18 per hour.

What does this Membership Program includes?

Let’s take a look inside...


Cleaning supplies

With our membership, rest assured that all cleaning supplies are included. Enjoy the convenience of having everything you need for a sparkling clean home readily available as part of your membership benefits.



In the kitchen, our cleaning service encompasses a variety of tasks, such as washing dishes to ensure a spotless sink, thoroughly cleaning the microwave for a fresh and hygienic cooking space, and wiping down appliance exteriors to remove any fingerprints or spills, leaving your kitchen gleaming and inviting.



In the bedroom, our cleaning service includes making the bed to perfection, ensuring a neat and inviting space for relaxation, as well as folding laundry with care to keep your clothing organized and ready for use.



In the bathroom, our cleaning service covers a comprehensive range of tasks including cleaning the toilet, sink, and shower to remove any dirt and grime, polishing mirrors for a streak-free shine, and neatly folding or hanging towels to maintain a tidy and refreshed atmosphere.



In every room, our cleaning service goes above and beyond, offering organization to declutter your space, thorough dusting to eliminate allergens and dirt, and meticulous vacuuming to ensure a clean and fresh environment throughout your home.

Since I joined the program I doubled my IG followers and signed 18 new clients!

Olivia Keys

Online Course Coach

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Ready to start?




Billed monthly


Billed Annually

Exclusive bonuses for Annual Members


Brand guide template

Id eu ac aenean nibh orci orci phasellus cras cursus ullamcorper turpis praesent elementum tortor quis ultrices quis sollicitudin sit justo feugiat vitae, est amet sit nisi orci sapien est ultricies volutpat molestie auctor odio tellus purus

(worth $48)


Customizable logo

Id eu ac aenean nibh orci orci phasellus cras cursus ullamcorper turpis praesent elementum tortor quis ultrices quis sollicitudin sit justo feugiat vitae, est amet sit nisi orci sapien est ultricies volutpat molestie auctor odio tellus purus

(worth $79)


Full masterclass access

Id eu ac aenean nibh orci orci phasellus cras cursus ullamcorper turpis praesent elementum tortor quis ultrices quis sollicitudin sit justo feugiat vitae, est amet sit nisi orci sapien est ultricies volutpat molestie auctor odio tellus purus

(worth $8,240)


Preset collection

Id eu ac aenean nibh orci orci phasellus cras cursus ullamcorper turpis praesent elementum tortor quis ultrices quis sollicitudin sit justo feugiat vitae, est amet sit nisi orci sapien est ultricies volutpat molestie auctor odio tellus purus

(worth $64)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Premium membership?

Premium offers a membership program that enables you to schedule cleanings at our most budget-friendly rates. With membership, you can book unlimited cleanings at over 50% off. Even if you schedule just one cleaning a month, membership is a no-brainer.

How much will future cleanings cost with Premium?

Your initial cleaning is covered by your discount voucher. Subsequently, Premium membership provides a $30/hr discount on our standard rates. Enter your zip code below to compare standard rates with membership rates in your area.

Can I cancel my membership?

Cancellation is simple at any time, though the discount voucher requires a minimum commitment term of 6 months. Cancelling before 6 paid months will result in your first cleaning being charged at full price.

How much does ongoing membership cost?

Premium membership is priced at $49 per month (taxes may apply). Monthly membership billing doesn't commence until your first cleaning is completed.

Can I share Premium with friends & family?

Absolutely! You can share your Premium membership and savings with up to 5 friends or family members at no additional cost. Everyone will enjoy the same savings.

Officially celebrating hitting the $80K milestone in my biz!

Natalie Portman

Financial Coach

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Since I joined the program officially celebrating hitting the $100K milestone in my biz!

Rachelle Martin

Financial Coach

Officially celebrating hitting the $50K milestone in my biz!

Angela Morales

Personal Coach

Since I joined the program officially celebrating hitting the $80K milestone in my biz!


Online Course Coach

Officially celebrating hitting the $80K milestone in my biz!

Maria Jane

Founder Digital Agency

Since I joined the program officially celebrating hitting the $100K milestone in my biz!

Laura Anna

Financial Coach

Officially celebrating hitting the $70K milestone in my biz!


Sales & Business Coach

Ready to start?




Billed monthly


Billed Annually